Probably the US military saw Ouyang Pingjie and drew a skull near the mines they laid.


The 100-meter-long warship is not small for human beings, but the alien is three meters tall. For them, this warship is equivalent to human beings’ fifty or sixty meters. The structure in the spaceship is very simple and there are not many cabins.
Ten minutes later, Yip Hon’s team once again met a team in the cabin. The horse stuck C4 on the door and blew up the hatch. Before the Grenade was thrown into the cabin, it suddenly shot a few silks. If the bomber moved faster, he would have to smash his arm into the door and amputate it.
Chapter 71 Small wins a game
"Here it is!"
"I found it!"
After such a long struggle, I finally found the alien. Several soldiers shouted and shouted excitedly, and the horses just crossed the hatch and turned back.
"What’s the situation?" Liu bin asked
The soldiers told the former situation that Liu Bin cried and flashed his eyes. "Good job-the captain caught it!"
Yip Han waved his hand greatly. "The Grenade will serve me until I die!"
"Look at you!" Liu Bin personally directed several soldiers to take out all the remaining grenades, all kinds of models, and several soldiers quickly divided everyone into two.
"Throw it!" Liu Bin ordered the first two soldiers to throw grenades in, then dodged away from the soldiers behind and quickly took over the position and threw grenades into the cabin.
Every kind of grenade explosion is different, including a loud noise, an ordinary explosion and a scratching sound after explosion-that is, the steel balls that burst out after the explosion of anti-personnel grenades hit the wall.
At the beginning, the aliens were still fighting back, but after more than a dozen grenades were thrown, there was no movement in the cabin.
Liu Bin surprisedly low way "can’t? This is a dead ball? "
"That’s not necessarily careful not to capsize," Yip hon said cautiously.
Liu Bin nodded to wake the soldiers carefully.
At this time, the soldiers should quickly rush into the cabin to control the fastest speed, but Liu Bin woke up and interrupted the original plan. The two soldiers who should rush in squatted on both sides of the hatch to observe the situation.
Yip hon suddenly feel too cautious blunt Liu Bin made a sign.
Liu Bin directly threw a flash bomb in and flew into the cabin.
As soon as the soldiers saw it, seven people rushed into the cabin … The other half of the team naturally stayed outside to stay alert.
The soldiers rushed into the cabin and acted quickly. At first, the guns pointed at all corners and "controlled" was heard.
Liu Bin finally summed up "Ann!"
Hearing these two words, Ye Han stepped into the ship.
The cabin was a mess, and there were explosions everywhere, leaving shrapnel. In the corner of the cabin, two aliens fell motionless in a pool of blood.
There seems to be a console around the two aliens, which has aroused great interest of Yip Han, but he dare not touch it, so that the soldiers can take all the equipment in this cabin … There is no video without taking it, and it is not taken back in kind, and nothing can be studied.
And warships so big also can’t go outside the cave, otherwise yip hon wouldn’t mind learning how to alien spacecraft … Thought of here yip hon suddenly zheng is wrong, how did such a big spacecraft come in? Is there a secret passage for water?
There are several rainforests in the vicinity for hundreds of kilometers, but there are not many big spots in the lake, and none can be found. Is there a water channel leading to a certain place in the depths of the lake?
This is impossible-the cave hall is nearly 100 meters deep and the ground lake is not at the same level. If two lakes are connected, the water surface of the two lakes must be at the same level. In this case, the ground lake will not flood, and the cave hall will be flooded long ago, which will probably flood most of the spider cave.
Yip hon, the more he thought about it, the more strange he felt. No matter how he speculated, he couldn’t explain the origin of the warship until he remembered the underwater vine root. A bold idea suddenly got into his mind-this thing didn’t grow out of that vine?
The idea is outrageous. Yip hon doesn’t believe it himself, but the idea is rooted in his heart and he can’t shake it.
After the short conflict, the search can be completed. Ye Han is not interested in alien corpses, and he is not interested in waves. He will search the cabin carefully. After he gains, he will continue to search the unknown area of the spacecraft.
However, yip hon’s troops couldn’t find any aliens in the search operation until they heard a fierce gun. It seemed that Americans were fighting with aliens, but by the time yip hon led the team, the battle was over, and the US military also killed an alien.
Now that we met Yip hon, we simply stopped the major and summarized the situation with lively gesticulations. We found that the ship has finished exploring all kinds of situations. Are there those two unlucky ghosts who got shot in this spaceship … or alien ghosts?
Major still won’t give up or worry about the fish escaping from the net to control the ship again. Yip Han also has the same concern. Major suggested that the two sides join forces to conduct another surface search to confirm that he could not be found again. After the aliens, Yip Han ordered Ouyang Ping to put explosives in the bottom and power cabin.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find the weapon system or I couldn’t recognize what it was.
After the explosives were put away, everyone was evacuated from the ship’s shore, and all the soldiers left outside the ship were recalled. After a few minutes, the ship made a muffled sound and waves rippled, and the huge ship sank precariously into the water.
The battle has come to an end for the time being, but then we have to face the ant colony in the channel! After arranging manpower to guard the lake, others will repair armored vehicles.
It’s not that easy to repair armored vehicles, especially microwave guns. There are no spare parts at all. Ye Han had to take the method of robbing Peter to pay Paul to dismantle one microwave gun and repair the other two guns.
The process is simple and practical. It took five or six hours for all the Chinese work to be completed, and it was close to midnight.
The situation of the US military is not much better. They tried to repair the damaged armored vehicles, but the thin light caused the root of the cut plane to be unconditionally repaired. The US military had to settle for second best and try to repair the relatively intact armored vehicles.
The scope of maintenance includes not only the armored vehicles that the US military took when they came, but also some of the vehicles in the wreckage, which actually made them spell out two vehicles.
In addition, the collection of weapons and ammunition by American soldiers is also the top priority of the United States!
They consumed a lot of ammunition in the battle ahead, and it would be difficult to get out of the spider hole without replenishment, so the Americans put their ideas into the wreckage of armored vehicles, and dozens of American soldiers went in and rummaged through it, which really made them find out a lot of shells, and even some remained after filling the ammunition compartment of armored vehicles.
China also consumes ammunition, but it’s a pity that both sides can’t get through ammunition and stare at each other.
Yip hon secretly decided to suggest to the level again and again when there is any action, bring a batch of foreign equipment to replenish ammunition on the battlefield
Chapter 72 Blockage
Everything is ready, but the soldiers are also tired. Although Yip Han and the major are in a hurry to leave, they can’t help but consider the status of the soldiers.
Yip hon believes that he can strictly carry out orders as soon as the soldiers are tired, but now it’s not like he’s jumping his feet and waving a gun to let the soldiers charge when he knows that the soldiers are tired.
That’s not how commanders behave.
The major also had to consider the status of the soldiers. The two men got together and discussed it for a while. Finally, they decided to let the soldiers rest for one night.
This is a risky decision!
Although all the aliens here have been killed by the allied forces, this is a part of the spider cave and probably a corner of it. Maybe there is another group of aliens hiding at the end of a fork. Either sneaking into the cave hall or summoning insects can pose a great threat to the allied forces.
In any case, leaving the spider hole as soon as possible is the best choice.
However, it is not easy to leave. There must be countless giant worms behind the passage. Even if they break through the giant worm interception, they will return to the ground according to the route they came. The swarm must be lost in a maze-like spider hole if they are not careful in chasing and intercepting.
It can be expected that once the tunnel is bombed, the Coalition forces will face the double counterattack of aliens and swarms, and the Coalition forces are likely to fight continuously. At present, it is difficult for soldiers to cope with high-intensity continuous battles, and they must be given the necessary rest.
It was this prerequisite that yip hon and the major of the us army made a joint decision to rest.
It was ordered that everyone except the sentry should rest immediately, and soon the soldiers fell asleep and slept until early the next day.
After breakfast, the Coalition forces made a simple mobilization before the war. With a loud noise blocking the passage, they finally got through the Chinese three armored vehicles and aimed the microwave guns at the passage opening for the first time.
As soon as Yip Han’s passage is hit, a large group of giant ants will flood in like a flood, but after the smoke clears, it is found that the roots are not well prepared. How many half-dead spider ants can still move?
These unlucky spider ants must have been trapped in the passage by giant ants’ bodies for a whole night.
It’s a good thing that there are no bugs in the way. Yip hon can’t wait to order the troops to start. Four armored vehicles immediately enter the passage and press the dead insects all over the ground.

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标题:广州少儿推拿免费教学活动温暖启动,助力母婴健康服务提升 正文: 随着人们对儿童健康重视程度的不断提高,少儿推拿作为一种绿色、健康的儿童保健方式,越来越受到家长们的青睐。近日,广州地区一场别开生面的少儿推拿免费教学活动温暖启动,旨在提高母婴服务业的专业水平,推动行业规范化、专业化发展。 本次免费教学活动由广州市卫生健康委员会指导,长洋中医学府主办。活动邀请了经验丰富的医护专业导师,为广大学员提供全面、系统的少儿推拿技术培训。活动现场,导师们不仅详细讲解了少儿推拿的理论知识,还通过实际操作演示,让学员们直观地学习到少儿推拿的技巧。 据悉,本次免费教学活动吸引了众多母婴店从业者、中医爱好者以及家长们的关注。活动以“母婴专业技能培训,推动母婴服务业规范化、专业化”为主题,旨在通过专业培训,提高母婴服务业从业人员的专业技能,为广大儿童提供更优质、更专业的保健服务。 活动采用30%理论70%实操的教学模式,让学员们在短时间内快速掌握少儿推拿的核心技能。导师们手把手教学,针对学员们的疑问进行一对一解答,确保每一位学员都能熟练掌握少儿推拿的技巧。 值得一提的是,本次免费教学活动还包括了免费考证上岗的机会。学员们在完成培训并通过考核后,将获得国家认可的少儿推拿职业资格证书,从而在母婴行业拥有更广阔的发展空间。 在活动现场,一位正在参加培训的母婴店从业者表示:“这次免费教学活动真是太有意义了,不仅学到了实用的少儿推拿技术,还能免费考证上岗,对我们的工作帮助很大。” 长洋中医学府负责人表示,此次免费教学活动是学院积极响应国家政策,推动健康产业发展的一项重要举措。学院将充分利用自身资源,为广大从业者提供专业、系统的培训,助力母婴服务业提升服务质量。 随着活动的深入开展,少儿推拿逐渐成为母婴服务业的重要项目。此次免费教学活动的成功举办,不仅为广大学员提供了学习平台,也为推动母婴服务业的规范化、专业化发展奠定了坚实基础。 未来,长洋中医学府将继续致力于传播健康养生文化,为广大学员提供更多优质、专业的培训课程。同时,学院还将加强与政府部门、行业协会的合作,共同推动母婴服务业的繁荣发展,为保障儿童健康贡献力量。 总结: 广州少儿推拿免费教学活动的成功举办,为母婴服务业注入了新的活力。通过此次培训,广大从业者将掌握更多实用技能,为儿童健康保驾护航。在今后的工作中,他们将为更多家庭提供专业、贴心的服务,共同营造一个健康、温馨的育儿环境。相信在政府、行业协会和从业者的共同努力下,我国母婴服务业必将迎来更加美好的明天。



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标题:广州正骨推拿学员:传承中医技艺,助力健康事业 随着社会的发展,人们对健康生活的追求越来越高,中医养生、推拿正骨等传统技艺逐渐受到人们的关注。广州,作为我国南部的重要城市,拥有丰富的中医资源,吸引了众多正骨推拿学员前来学习。本文将为您介绍广州正骨推拿学员的学习生活,以及他们在健康事业中的重要作用。 一、广州正骨推拿学员的学习生活 1. 选择正规培训机构 在广州,众多正骨推拿培训机构为学员提供了丰富的学习资源。学员在选择培训机构时,要注重以下几点: (1)师资力量:选择有丰富临床经验的教师,确保教学质量。 (2)课程设置:课程内容应全面,涵盖中医基础理论、经络穴位、手法技巧等方面。 (3)实践机会:培训机构应提供充足的实践机会,让学员在实际操作中提高技能。 2. 系统学习中医理论 正骨推拿学员在学习过程中,首先要掌握中医基础理论,包括阴阳五行、脏腑经络、病因病机等。通过学习,学员能了解人体的生理功能、病理变化,为临床实践打下坚实基础。 3. 精通手法技巧 正骨推拿的核心在于手法技巧。学员在学习过程中,要熟练掌握各种手法,如推、拿、按、摩、拔罐、刮痧等。同时,要注重手法的力度、速度和顺序,以达到最佳治疗效果。 4. 实践与交流 正骨推拿学员在学习过程中,要积极参加实践活动,如义诊、实习等。通过实践,学员能将所学知识运用到实际工作中,提高自己的临床技能。此外,学员之间还可以相互交流,共同进步。 二、广州正骨推拿学员在健康事业中的作用 1. 提供专业服务 广州正骨推拿学员经过系统学习,掌握了丰富的中医知识和技能,能够为患者提供专业、有效的服务。他们不仅能够治疗各种疼痛疾病,还能进行养生保健,帮助人们预防疾病,提高生活质量。 2. 传承中医文化 广州正骨推拿学员在学习过程中,不仅掌握了技艺,还深入了解了中医文化。他们将在临床实践中传承中医文化,让更多的人了解和认可中医。 3. 促进中医事业发展 广州正骨推拿学员的增多,有助于推动中医事业的发展。他们将成为中医行业的生力军,为中医事业的发展贡献力量。 总之,广州正骨推拿学员在传承中医技艺、助力健康事业方面发挥着重要作用。我们期待他们在未来的日子里,为更多患者带来健康和快乐。
